Generate chess endgame tablebase
Generate chess endgame tablebase

The "third rank defense" by the rook is difficult for a human to crack. With perfect play, in the worst winning position, the queen can win the rook or checkmate within 31 moves (Müller & Lamprecht 2001:400). Normally the winning process involves the queen first winning the rook by a fork and then checkmating with the king and queen, but forced checkmates with the rook still on the board are possible in some positions or against incorrect defense.

generate chess endgame tablebase

White wins with correct play.Ī queen wins against a lone rook, unless there is an immediate draw by stalemate or due to perpetual check (Nunn 2002:49) (or if the rook or king can immediately capture the queen). (See Two knights endgame.) Queen versus rookīlack is employing the third rank defense. Checkmate is possible with two knights, but it cannot be forced.

#Generate chess endgame tablebase plus#

Basic checkmatesĬheckmate can be forced against a lone king with a king plus (1) a queen, (2) a rook, (3) two bishops, or (4) a bishop and a knight (see Bishop and knight checkmate). For example, with a queen versus a rook, that would be until either checkmate or the rook is captured, resulting in a position that leads to an elementary checkmate. The number of moves given to win is until either checkmate or the position is converted to a simpler position that is known to be a win. When the number of moves to win is specified, optimal play by both sides is assumed. If a player has two bishops, they are assumed to be on opposite colors unless stated otherwise.a file is a column of squares on the board.a rank is a row of squares on the chessboard.In some cases, one side of these endgames can force a win in other cases, the game is a draw (i.e. The assessment of endgame positions assumes optimal play by both sides. Grandmaster John Nunn wrote a book ( Secrets of Pawnless Endings) summarizing the research of endgame tablebases for several types of pawnless endings. On the other hand, many of the details and recent results are due to the construction of endgame tablebases.

generate chess endgame tablebase generate chess endgame tablebase

The study of some pawnless endgames goes back centuries by players such as François-André Danican Philidor (1726-1795) and Domenico Lorenzo Ponziani (1719-1796). Other cases that occur occasionally are (1) a rook and minor piece versus a rook and (2) a rook versus a minor piece, especially if the minor piece is a bishop (Nunn 2007:156-65). Endgames without pawns do not occur very often in practice except for the basic checkmates of king and queen versus king, king and rook versus king, and queen versus rook (Hooper 1970:4). The basic checkmates are types of pawnless endgames. Home :: Chess :: Endgame Pawnless chess endgameĪ pawnless chess endgame is a chess endgame in which only a few pieces remain and none of them is a pawn.

Generate chess endgame tablebase